strategic planning

Three Years to Freedom: Building a Successful Exit/Options Strategy for Business Owners in Three Years
Guest Article by Ryan Lewis of Flagline Strategy and Opportunity Knocks Board Member It’s 2023. If you are 40 or older like myself, we’ve had quite the professional career. 3 recessions, 1 pandemic, countless innovations that have turned industries upside down, and so many other externalities have made stability a

Eight Traits of Strategic Thinkers
Strategy. It’s coming up with a plan, and then choosing to move forward with it. What makes it “strategy” is the follow through–turning a wish list or a vision into actionable items that can be achieved. We know from experience that strategic planning means making goals that are SMART (Specific,

Strategic Planning is all About…S-T-R-A-T-E-G-Y!
“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there”. – Lewis Carroll Strategic planning. It’s the difference between letting things happen and making things happen. It’s your road map, navigation, car lights, and gasoline that get you to the destination you want–not just the place you