Three Years to Freedom: Building a Successful Exit/Options Strategy for Business Owners in Three Years
Guest Article by Ryan Lewis of Flagline Strategy and Opportunity Knocks Board Member It’s 2023. If you are 40 or older like myself, we’ve had quite the professional career. 3 recessions, 1 pandemic, countless innovations that have turned industries upside down, and so many other externalities have made stability a

How to Know When It’s Time to Rebrand: A Case Study of the Rebrand of Rooted Homes
A brand is the face and personality of a business, and because “you never get a second chance at a first impression,” it is important to nail down your brand identity and make a lasting impression on your audience from the first interaction. But what if you don’t nail it?

Before Selling a Business, Consider a Buyer’s Perspective
Guest Article by Strategic Partner, Sherrill Corbett, Tonkon Torp, July 17, 2023 In a company’s life cycle, several situations can prompt its sale. The owners may need to fund their retirement or succession from sale proceeds. A tempting, unsolicited offer may come across the transom. Or an entrepreneur may simply

Unleashing the Growth Potential: Strategies to Elevate Company Value
Guest Article by Ryan Lewis, Flagline Strategy & Opportunity Knocks Board Member In today’s fast-paced and fiercely competitive business landscape, the pursuit of increased company value has become paramount. As someone that has sold their business and been involved with several transactions, I am here to share insightful strategies that

Choosing the Right Strategic Partner: A Guide to Successful Strategic Relationships
In today’s highly competitive business landscape, partnering with the right businesses and organizations can play a significant role in the success of any entity. The right strategic partner can provide access to new and potential customers, increase revenue streams, boost business capabilities, and help build relationships and credibility within the

The Case for Vulnerability in Professional Leadership
What is it “OK” to do at OK (Opportunity Knocks)? Before being bold. Before taking risks. Before embracing leadership. Before all of that, the members of our executive peer mentoring group say the most important thing to do when working with their peers to become better leaders of their business

Miller Ferrari Wealth Management: Helping Inspire, Support, Challenge and Motivate Central Oregonians to Meet Their Goals
Listen. Advise. Review. Repeat. This may sound like an Opportunity Knocks facilitator’s opening remarks, but in fact it is not–it is the advice of another organization in Central Oregon that focuses on growth and financial acceleration of the local business community: Miller Ferrari Wealth Management. With a goal to help

Common Questions Business Owners Have About Social Media
Running a business means wearing several hats. We are often overloaded with staffing tasks, financial tasks, inventory tasks–it’s hard to find time to focus on the product or service your company actually provides! And then, after the sixtieth hour of the week, you get a ping on your phone or

Opportunity Knocks: Growing Central Oregon Leaders and Their Organizations
Growth is the theme of everything we do at Opportunity Knocks. Individual growth. Organizational growth. Growth of our community. Growth of our program. Every time one of these grows, it has a direct impact on the growth of the other three, which is why improving our services, attracting more members,

Eight Traits of Strategic Thinkers
Strategy. It’s coming up with a plan, and then choosing to move forward with it. What makes it “strategy” is the follow through–turning a wish list or a vision into actionable items that can be achieved. We know from experience that strategic planning means making goals that are SMART (Specific,