There are just a few things that successful people, leaders, and purposeful achievers have in common. One is that they read, and read, and read some more, to find inspiration and wisdom to move them forward. If you are looking for motivation and want a jolt of it now, consider one of these five books that can be read in a day or two:
The Council of Dads simply puts everything into perspective. Whether you are a father, mother, or neither, author Bruce Feiler illustrates what matters. The message here: your mission in life should have a deep rooted meaning, a clearly understandable why.
The War of Art reminds us all to find what moves us, to not let our own internal struggle stop us from creating, and to move forward by sticking to what needs to be done. Steven Pressman highlights his own challenges in writing books as a way for us all to realize breakthroughs in performance.
Drive, by Daniel Pink, showcases what motivates people and what we need to do in order to get ourselves and others going! With case studies of leaders and businesses around the country, Pink describes what you need to do to do what you want.
Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In is a book of life lessons from Louis Zamperini, the war hero whose story was told in the book and movie, Unbroken. If you can’t get through the whole book in a weekend, then just pick a few chapters about things you want to focus on. There are over 20 lessons to learn in this book.
The Little Book of Talent is a brilliant summary of what makes one person better at something than another. Author Daniel Coyne spent years researching achievers, successful coaches, and industry leaders for this 52-lesson book that can be read in a couple of days and gives you a week-by-week process to become better at what you do, to be a better you.