central oregon

The Case for Vulnerability in Professional Leadership
What is it “OK” to do at OK (Opportunity Knocks)? Before being bold. Before taking risks. Before embracing leadership. Before all of that, the members of our executive peer mentoring group say the most important thing to do when working with their peers to become better leaders of their business

Miller Ferrari Wealth Management: Helping Inspire, Support, Challenge and Motivate Central Oregonians to Meet Their Goals
Listen. Advise. Review. Repeat. This may sound like an Opportunity Knocks facilitator’s opening remarks, but in fact it is not–it is the advice of another organization in Central Oregon that focuses on growth and financial acceleration of the local business community: Miller Ferrari Wealth Management. With a goal to help

Opportunity Knocks: Growing Central Oregon Leaders and Their Organizations
Growth is the theme of everything we do at Opportunity Knocks. Individual growth. Organizational growth. Growth of our community. Growth of our program. Every time one of these grows, it has a direct impact on the growth of the other three, which is why improving our services, attracting more members,

What Peer Mentoring is Not!
What is peer mentoring? It is inspiring. It is productive. It is proven. It is an opportunity for success. And it is what you make of it. But there are a few things it is also, not. It is not a guarantee for success, it is not passive, it is